Naked Confidence: Revealing Your Whole Truth and Finally Moving Forward by Christen Shefchunas


Naked Confidence: Revealing Your Whole Truth and Finally Moving Forward by Christen Shefchunas


Fear 2 Freedom is privileged to have renowned author, life coach, and motivational speaker Christen Shefchunas as our 2019-2020 Champions Circle Luncheon series speaker. In her book, Naked Confidence, Christen draws upon her professional experience inspiring elite-level athletes and her personal experience with confidence struggles to inspire women to “move forward and reach [their] dreams in life, love, relationships, sport, career, and motherhood.” Using a series of stories interwoven with introspective writing exercises, Christen’s book provides both narrative and tangible resources to help readers delve into what’s holding them back in life, discover their truth, and embrace their immense personal worth.

Note: Naked Confidence is not geared specifically to sexual assault or other trauma survivors; as such, it may benefit survivors to complete the therapeutic writing exercises in this book in the company of a trusted individual, a trauma-informed advocate, or a mental healthcare professional.

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